Car refrigerator means you can carry in the car freezer. Car refrigerator is popular on the international market in recent years, a new generation of refrigeration equipment, containers. Car refrigerator is a continuation of domestic refrigerators can be used semiconductor electronic refrigeration technology, but also through the compressor cooling. Generally smaller and less noise pollution. Just in the road in the power plug into the cigarette lighter hole, you can give the refrigerator to cool.

    There are two kinds of car refrigerator on the market, one is the semiconductor car refrigerator, its principle is to rely on an electronic chip cooling, the use of special PN junction semiconductor material to form a thermocouple right, produce the Peltier effect, that is, through the DC cooling A new cooling methods. refrigeration temperature range of 5-65 degrees. The advantage of this refrigerator is both cooling and heating can, environmental protection, pollution, small size, low cost, no vibration at work, noise, and long life. The disadvantage is that the cooling efficiency is not high, cooling temperatures influenced by ambient temperature, cooling can not reach below zero, and the smaller capacity. Another car refrigerator compressor, the compressor is the traditional techniques of traditional refrigerator, cooling the temperature was as low as -18 degrees to 10 degrees. High cooling efficiency, energy ice, fresh, large volume, mainstream car refrigerator future direction of development. But this refrigerator heavier weight, convenient to carry, the higher the price. The world's major producer of compressors compressor car refrigerator for Germany and Japan.

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 With the recent two years, car ownership in China's leap growth, air pollution inside the car began to get more and more consumer attention. So one kind designed to improve air quality inside the vehicle new appliances - car air purifier emerged. Car market today purifier products, though Judging from the overall abundance is less than the home air purifier, but also have a certain scale. Today, the production of car air purifier brands are mainly three types: First, formerly the production of home air purifier brands such as Asia are; two of the few professional production car purifier brand; third category is the balance between the production of automotive purifier brand . Experience in the development of these brands, technical strength, the goal emphases vary, produced by the car purifier also varied. How to find a cost-effective car purifier, sounds simple, but a lot of hidden mystery. IT168 shopping guide on the market in 2011 collected more popular four car air purifier (ADA ADA768, Yadu BG200, Waugh fast V68, Malata KJ-898) comparative evaluation. In the end car purifier into immature? Have no value? Pick what car purifier doorway? However, by 4 car air purifier all aspects pk (factory manufacturing expertise, the authenticity of the product performance and promotional materials, installation and stable nature, design size, the practical effect of the test) results ADA 768 stand ahead of other three models.


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Car air purifier, also known as car air purifier, car air purifier, means dedicated to purify the air in the car PM2.5, toxic and harmful gases (formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC, etc.), odor, bacteria and viruses vehicle pollution and other air purification equipment. After the Industrial Revolution, many parts of the world to develop heavy industry, resulting in air quality plummeted, causing a serious threat to human health, including the famous "Los Angeles photochemical smog events." To improve air quality, in addition to the introduction of long-term air-governance policies, many research institutions also actively develop air purification technology, the first time for consumers to experience healthy breathing. Of course, these techniques are not used at the start of the car. Experienced the concept of conversion for a longer period of time, when people realize that there are also serious pollution of the air inside the car, car air purification technology specifically for the car only gradually get attention. Many countries have strict control for car air quality. In this regard, on March 1, 2012, China has also introduced the "passenger air quality assessment in the Guide," published this guide for car air purifier products in the country has played a significant role in promoting development. Not only domestic brands, many foreign brands have been landing in China market.

         Car purifier purifier also called car or car air purifier, often generating circuit negative ion generator, micro fans, air filters and other system components by high pressure. It works as follows: Micro fan inside the machine (also known as the fan) so that air circulation inside the car, PM2.5 pollution of air through the machine inside the filter and activated carbon filter will filter all kinds of pollutants or adsorption, then after installed in the outlet of the negative ion generator (when working in high-pressure ion generator to generate negative high voltage direct current), will continue to air ionization, a large amount of negative ions, being sent out micro fans, form negative ions flow, to clean and purify the air of purpose.

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